Thursday, January 3, 2019


Terdapat dua takrifan tentang Melayu, iaitu Melayu Arab yang beragama
Islam dan Melayu Sejati yang memegang ajaran nenek moyang (leluhur)
sebelum kemasukan agama-agama Hindu dan Buddha dari India, agama
Islam dari Arabia dan agama Kristian dari Eropah.

Orang Melayu di zaman purbakala tiada mempunyai agama tetapi mereka
mempunyai AJARAN, iaitu yang diturunkan oleh leluhur kepada anak
cucunya untuk beradab sopan, berbudi bahasa, bersantun, hormat
menghormati sesama sendiri dan orang lain, bergotong royong dan
bersatu padu, berdikari, berniaga, berhemah, berpantun dan berseloka,
rajin berusaha, menjaga kebersihan diri dan alam sekitar, menjaga
kesihatan diri di segi fizikal, mental dan spiritual.

Orang Melayu diajar oleh leluhur mereka dengan dua belas prinsip utama
untuk hidup di muka bumi ini:-
1. Tidak boleh berdolak dalik
2. Tidak boleh mungkir janji atau menipu
3. Tidak boleh berhasad dengki
4. Tidak boleh kecewa atau putus asa
5. Tidak boleh takut
6. Mulut mau manis (tidak boleh marah atau mengumpat)
7. Fikiran mau bersih
8. Hati mau baik
9. Rajin dan usaha
10. Bersih dan kemas
11. Bekerjasama atau bergotong royong
12. Hormat menghormati

Orang Melayu telah wujud sangat lama di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu
apabila pakar-pakar sains dari Universiti Sains Malaysia menemui
penempatan manusia di Bukit Bunuh, Lenggong, Perak, Malaysia
yang diakui oleh UNESCO berusia 1.83 juta tahun. Sepatutnya,
orang Melayu dan kerajaan Malaysia, Indonesia dan Brunai yang
mempunyai majoriti penduduk Melayu meneruskan kajian dan
penyelidikan saintifik lebih lanjut untuk mencari peninggalan
sejarah orang Melayu purbakala.

Sekarang ini, orang Melayu masih banyak yang miskin dan hidup
mundur di negara yang berkembang maju dengan berbagai hasil
mahsul kekayaan buminya, dan pucuk pemerintahan negara
dipegang oleh para pemimpin Melayu. Kenapakah perkara
ini boleh berlaku? Faktor utamanya adalah kebekuan minda
orang Melayu yang dikekang oleh ajaran agama Islam yang
masuk ke negara ini lebih 600 tahun yang lalu.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Political and Social Reforms in Malaysia

Malaysians, especially the Malays have had tasted many memories - good, bad and ugly - during the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British rules in this beloved homeland called Malaysia at the start of the 15th century until we achieved independence in 1957. Before these events, the Malays were the masters in the Malay Archipelago (called Nusantara) with their own traditions, customs and political set up. In fact, they had their own religion before the coming of Hinduism and later Islam. However, as it is located in the strategic location between India and China, it became the focal point of trade and residence among the Indian and the Chinese. The Malays accepted the presence of these traders and their dependence due to their accommodating characters as embodied in the nature of pure Malays.

The above scenario changed when the imperialist powers colonized this region. First the Indian missionaries to spread Hinduism and Buddhism in the early of the first millenium. By the middle of thirteenth century, the Malays were subjected to a new religion called Islam. As a practice, when the ruler embraced a new faith, it was followed by the subjects - whether by force or otherwise. Later, the Western powers such as the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British came to this region first as traders and then as colonialists. They spread Christianity among the Malays but not many of them accepted this religion.

At that time the Malay Empire spread across the present-day Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Southern Thailand, Southern Philippine and Kampuchea. The Malay Language (now changed to Bahasa Malaysia) was the lingua franca of this region. With the coming of the colonialists, the Malay Empire was broken into countries by emulating divide and rule principles. The also groomed the Malay elites to become the rulers of these countries once they them granted independence. That is why the present rulers of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei are Western trained technocrats and aristocrats. With these divide and rule policies, the West had succeeded to divide about 300 million Malays into smaller regions and eradicating their comradeshipman, social and political fabrics. The wealth of the nation was diverted to the selected few rulers and their cronies. The majority of the Malays live in subsistence and many of them are considered as poor people although their countries are rich in natural resources and other products. We can observe these traits in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.

Therefore the Malays have to rethink their survival in these Malay countries which are economically dominated by the non-Malays with the cooperation of the ruling Malay elites. They have to reform and reengineer their mindset so that they can think rationally without prejudice to their present set up and status quo.